What do we offer?
- Provide a free 30-minute, one-off family law appointment with a fully qualified solicitor
- Remove the onus from the client to have to source free legal advice during some of the hardest times of their lives
- A clinic team who individually reviews each referral to assess the client’s needs
- Provide signposting/help to refer clients to other services who can assist with the non-legal aspects of safely leaving abuse & rebuilding their lives
What does our legal advice clinic cover?
Family Law advice typically includes:
- Separation & Divorce
- The separation of assets such as finances & family homes
- Private child proceedings including Child Arrangement Orders & specific issue orders
- Public child proceedings where social services are involved or due to be involved
- Protection orders including non-molestation & occupation orders
- Information on Legal Aid
- Current orders that are already in place
- General advice about family court proceedings & processes
How do I prepare for the appointment?
We appreciate that you may feel anxious or nervous to talk to a legal advisor, particularly if this is the first time you have done so.
Our team is committed to making you feel comfortable and will pay attention to what you have to tell us.
Please read the steps below on how you can make an appointment with Flag DV and what to expect.

Plan what you want to get out of the appointment
Make a list to help keep you focused on your end goal. The list needs to include;
- The main points you want to make about your problem
- What you want to know
- The questions you want to ask

Gather relevant documents
You may be asked for details that are difficult to recall in the moment. This could be around current orders already in place, dates or specific details. Make sure you have these to hand so you feel prepared.
- Child orders
- Non molestation
- Court documents

Don't be afraid to ask for something to be explained
You will be offered advice around a system and framework which you may have had no previous experience with before. It is okay to not understand. Ask for it to be repeated or repeat back the advice as you understood it to ensure that you walk away with a clear picture of what steps you should take next.

Take notes
Receiving legal advice can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re given specific form recommendations to complete or important details to include in documents. It’s a lot to process. To help you stay on track, we recommend taking notes during your discussions, so you can review and reflect on the information later at your own pace.

Find a safe space for the appointment
Your emotional well-being is just as important as your physical safety. Discussing the details of your case with a solicitor can feel overwhelming and final, so it’s crucial that you do so in a setting where you feel emotionally secure. If you’re unable to create this space for yourself, FLAG DV’s service coordinators are here to help you find a safe and supportive environment.

Consider support
If you have a domestic abuse support worker, consider asking them to accompany you to your appointment. Their presence can help you feel less anxious and more focused. If you don’t have a support worker, you might find it helpful to bring a trusted friend or family member for emotional support, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Telephone Referrals
01635 015854
In Immediate Danger
Call 999
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
0808 2000 247